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2019-06-08 07:00 新青年麻醉论坛.

  1. 患儿在麻醉后24h内必须有专人看护,下地行走需要预防跌倒。
  2. 进食的顺序遵从清水-流质食物-固体食物的顺序,逐渐加量,以不出现腹胀、恶心呕吐为原则。
  3. 如有伤口疼痛可遵医嘱服用少许非甾体类抗炎药。
  4. 有任何不适请及时回院就诊或于当地医院就诊。
  5. 请家长记录紧急情况下的求助电话,提供医院24h值班电话。
  6. 有条件的医院可以设立一个专门的岗位提供术后48h的电话随访。


1. Gozal D, Gozal Y. Pediatric sedation/anesthesia outside the operating room. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol, 2008, 21(4):494-498.

2. Meyer S, Grundmann U, Gottschling S, et al. Sedation and analgesia for brief diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in children. Eur J Pediatr, 2007, 166(4):291-302.

3. Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, British Association of Day Surgery. Day case and short stay surgery: 2. Anaesthesia, 2011, 66(5):417-434.

4. American Academy of Pediatric, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Cote CJ, Wilson S, Work Group on Sedation. Guidelines for monitoring and management of pediatric patients during and after sedation for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures: an update. Paediatr Anaesth, 2008, 18(1):9-10.

5. Cravero J P, Beach M L, Blike G T, et al. The incidence and nature of adverse events during pediatric sedation/anesthesia with propofol for procedures outside the operating room: a report from the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium. Anesth Analg, 2009, 108(3):795–804.

6. Beach M L, Cohen D M, Gallagher S M, et al. Major Adverse Events and Relationship to Nil per Os Status in Pediatric Sedation/Anesthesia Outside the Operating Room: A Report of the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium.. Anesthesiology, 2015, 124(1):80-88.

7. Ghaffar S, Haverland C, Ramaciotti C, et al. Sedation for pediatric echocardiography: evaluation of preprocedure fasting guidelines. J Am Soc Echocardiogr, 2002, 15(9):980-983.

8. American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Sedation and Analgesia by Non-Anesthesiologists. Practice guidelines for sedation and analgesia by non-anesthesiologists. Anesthesiology, 2002, 96(4):1004-1017.

9. Olson DM, Sheehan MG, Thompson W, et al. Sedation of children for electroencephalograms. Pediatrics, 2001, 108(1):163-165.

10. 金立红, 许文妍, 白洁等: 水合氯醛用于小儿影像学检查时镇静的有效性和安全性. 临床麻醉学杂志, 2013, 29(7):678–680

11. Moro-Sutherland DM, Algren JT, Louis PT, et al.Comparison of intravenous midazolam with pentobarbital for sedation for head computed tomography imaging. Acad Emerg Med, 2000, 7(12):1370-1375.

标签: 麻醉 患儿 检查 镇静


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